Saturday, February 28, 2009

ICT In The Classroom

If you could convince the teachers to use more computers, internet, cameras or anything digital in class what would you tell them?

This is your chance to share with other teachers:

Why you like using computers and other equipment like digital cameras or cell phones in class.

Do you think it makes a difference to how you learn? Why?

How does it help you with your learning?

This is a chance to tell teachers what you think!

**Teachers you are welcome to add a comment too**

Photo used under Creative Commons Flickr: Shapeshift

Friday, February 27, 2009

Rotorua Day 3

Today is my final day in Rotorua. Here are some pictures for you... these are some of the hot pools that are around the conference centre. There are lots of them everywhere!

I wonder if you know what this building is??
Miss S.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Excellent Expert no 1

Woohoo !!!!!! Avi the excellent expert is coming soon and I'm so excited. He works at Auckland Zoo with the carnivores, you may have seen him on The Zoo T.V. show recently. Hey look there he is! "Hi guys". he says, "I'm Avi the Zoo Keeper". First he told us about his childhood and how he got into being a zoo keeper. Avi told us how he went to Africa and saw to Cheetahs and helped save them. His first job was as a vet there he got to watch a Persian cat give birth. Soon he started being a volenteer Zoo Keeper. A while after that he became a proper Zoo Keeper. Avi showed us some super cool skulls of a Tasmanian Devil and a Lion, we passed them round and every one went ohhhh ahhhh ehhhhhhhh. Next there was a slide show about the animals at the Zoo. I liked the Tigers best. There was a movie about a Cheetah chasing a Gazalle but then the humans run in and save the Gazalle (those humans sure are fast they should have impact replay.)
Avi had some awesome bird feathers. (one side was gold /yellow and one side was perfect turquioze. ) I think Avi was a great excellent expert.


Avi's the Zoo Keepers Visit

On Tuesday a Zoo Keeper came to Room 25 [how exciting!!]. His name was Avi, when he came he told us about his childhood. Then he showed us Tiger and Tasmanian Devil bones. We sat around in a circle then we passed the bones around when it was my turn for the Tiger bone I turned it around and pieces of bone fell on me. After that he showed us a slide show. On the slide show there was the Golden Cat, Tiger, Lion, Otter and the Red Pandas. After that he showed us some Porcupine spikes and feathers then he said"GOODBYE" then he left. I hope he comes again!!!!


Rotorua Part 2


You gave me some good information about Rotorua Mega 25, thanks for that! I found some geysers and mud pools near the convention centre. I will take some photos for you today!

Yesterday was a very busy day - I went to 2 workshops where I learnt lots of new things. I also presented to 30 teachers about telling 5 frame stories. This story called 'Don't Play On The Stairs' was my favourite. Click here to see it.

I wonder, what the best thing is that you have been doing while i've been away? I will take some more photos for you today!
Have fun, Miss S.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Hope you are all having fun with Miss T!
I am enjoying being in Rotorua - it is like being at school! I am already learning lots of amazing things at my conference.

Image Source

I wonder if there is anything you know about Rotorua that you could share with me? Leave a comment! Miss S.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Monday, February 23, 2009

Giraffe's Can't Dance - By JR



Giraffe's Can't Dance - By CH


Giraffe's Can't Dance



Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Rugby Rocks Day

Reminder that Rugby Rocks Day is the 6th March.

For those people who were choosen to go you need to bring:
*Elm Park PE gear
*Drink bottle

Auckland Zoo Links


Here are some links from our Excellent Expert #1 visit.

Auckland Zoo

Junior Keeper

Explore Auckland Zoo

Auckland Zoo Animals

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Excellent Expert #1: Avi

Excellent Expert #1: Avi

Today Avi came to our class and was lucky number one in our Excellent Experts series. Avi is a Zookeeper at the Auckland Zoo who looks after certain types of animals... BUT you're going to have to wait to find out more, when Room 25 share their Excellent Expert encounter with you soon!

Yummy Statistics!

Yum, Yum, Yum, Yum, Yum, Yum!

We are learning to complete a statistical investigation in Maths.

Today I gave Room 25, 6 packets of M&Ms and asked them to find out

'what color is the most common M&M color?' They started their investigation today by predicting the most common color, sorting out the M&Ms and creating a tally chart.

Tomorrow we are learning how to create a table and graph in Numbers.

Check back to see Room 25's results!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Victorian Bushfires

Here are some links to information about the fires. Leave a comment sharing how you feel about the fires, what do you think it will be like for these families?

A slideshow from BBC showing photographs and voice comments from survivors and people involved in the Victorian Fires.